You’ve lost your FORESKIN through circumcision. Or you’re UNCUT but have a short blunt foreskin. You miss out on the sensitiveness that the other males are enjoying. And most of all, you wish you didn’t look so different than the guys in the public showers of Europe. It’s time to discover RESTORE, a new all-natural massage oil that helps you restore your foreskin to its former UNCUT state without the need for devices. Learn how by clicking the links above. Foreskin restoration is now easier and RESTORE Foreskin Restoration massage oil can help you achieve maximum results in less time

Interested in getting RESTORE Premium Massage Oil?
I was circumcised at birth, apparently for ‘health reasons.’ Being an active male, I was (and still am) as curious about sex as the next guy but FORESKIN was a word that never quite registered in my mind. Until one night at a bar when I was having a beer with some friends. Mike is openly gay, a fact that we’re cool with. Mike’s also our resident expert on penises. He would tell us things we never knew about. Anyway he was lamenting that in the community, there was a growing preference for UNCUT males (the term for being uncircumcised). Being circumcised himself, he’s not getting the attention he used to. But what I found most interesting was what he said next. It’s not just the appearance of a FORESKIN that’s important but the fact that UNCUT males actually have better sex. He went into great detail about how the FORESKIN secretes natural body oils to protect the glans penis from dryness thus preserving the high level of sensitivity.
To illustrate he pulled out his cellphone to show us a close-up picture of a penis with its FORESKIN retracted, its glans smooth, pink and glistening. What a contrast to the dry, pale and wrinkled glans of a circumcised penis.
Mike was bitter about his FORESKIN being taken away soon after birth. But he went on to say that he is RESTORING his FORESKIN using a skin-stretching device he had bought off the Internet. He’d been on the program for a month and its just starting to show some results he said. He hopes in 5 or 6 months, he’ll gain enough new skin to cover half his glans.
The prospect of boosting penis sensitivity by FORESKIN regrowth got me interested enough to do some research. True enough, I found plenty of information online about the surgical and non-surgical methods of FORESKIN restoration. As I don’t care for surgery, I paid more attention to the non-surgical options. I learned that virtually all of them involved some kind of stretching device which got me thinking, isn’t there another way?
That was when I recalled a massage oil I had bought in Asia that seemed to have the curious property of making skin extraordinarily pliant. I still had half a bottle left and with an idea in mind, decided to conduct a little self-experiment. After a shower, I applied the oil onto the shaft of my penis, massaging it thoroughly into the skin. And then I laid down on my bed and using both my hands, pulled the skin of my penis shaft towards me as far as it would stretch. I would hold that position for while, taking a minute’s rest in between before repeating the whole thing again. I’d do this 3 to 4 times at one go. My plan was to repeat this routine twice a day for a week, once in the morning and once in the evening. I admit feeling a little skeptical at first.
But I was in for a surprise. On the 3rd day when looking in the mirror, I discovered that a loose fold of skin had begun to develop and creep over my penis head, wrapping over the edge of my glans ever so slightly. It was something that had never happened before! I partied with excitement and was determined to continue the experiment.
A week after this experiment, the results were clearly visible. My glans was now covered with about 5 mm of extra penile skin and I had achieved it with nothing more than massage oil and my bare hands. At this rate I thought, it might just be possible to fully cover my glans in just a few months! Then I remembered a penis vacuum pump I had bought last year and wondered if it would have an impact on the results. I decided on another experiment. After massaging the oil in as usual, I would pump up my penis and leave it in the vacuum chamber for a few minutes. This I repeated twice a day. Guess what. After 5 days, I gained another 5mm of new skin! The pump when used together with the massage oil had actually accelerated my skin tissue expansion. By then, my penis glans was covered with nearly half an inch of extra penile skin when flaccid, all after less than 2 weeks!
It was groundbreaking for me. I liked the results of the massage oil so much that I felt it I just had to share it with anyone who’s working hard to restore their FORESKINS.
It was from this experience that I created RESTORE, the first all-natural Massage Oil formulated specially for FORESKIN restoration. It worked beautifully for me and I have no doubt it will work beautifully for you. You will find more detailed information about it and its method of application in the appropriate parts of this website. Just follow the links.
Today I’m happy to say that my new FORESKIN covers 90% of my glans penis when flaccid and about a third of it when I’m erect, just the way I like it. And with the new sensitiveness I have gained, my sex life is just great!
So dear friends, take back your life, enjoy a whole new level of sensitiveness and all the confidence that an intact life can bring.

RESTORE Premium Massage Oil is a fusion of herbs and natural oils that has been traditionally used by men as a massage oil to enhance blood circulation by way of massage. RESTORE’s formulation is EXTRA potent as it contains PURE extracts of active ingredients infused via RESTORE‘s proprietary production method in a Good Manufacturing Practice manufacturing facility. RESTORE‘s special formulation will improve your all natural skin expansion efforts in quicker time – the end result – Grow your foreskin fast and in less
The human skin is expandable. Studies have shown that stretching it over long periods of time promotes the growth of new skin cells. Non-surgical foreskin restoration works on the basis of tissue expansion. Normal non-surgical restoration methods involve skin ‘tugging’. It may or may not be assisted by foreskin restoration devices like tapes, weights and straps. Over time, all these stretching methods induce the skin to grow new cells.
What I have found is that the process of cell growth is quickened or made fast by the PROVEN combination of Bio-additives used in RESTORE Premium Massage Oil. The proven combination of herbs and natural oil makes foreskin restoration an easier and fast task to accomplish. All natural active ingredients such as Aleurite Moluccana and Cocoa Nucifera, Rose Hip, Almond and Vitamin E, Restore oil acts to soften the skin and give it an extraordinarily flexible texture for stretching. Once softened and with blood flow to the cells enhanced, the effectiveness of skin stretching becomes vastly improved even when you’re just using your fingers to do the stretching.
While you can achieve great results without the aid of a device, I’ve found that a device will help you attain results even faster simply because devices makes the job of skin stretching much easier. Many devices available in the market work perfectly with RESTORE. I have personally found pneumatic penis pumps to be most effective with RESTORE. The pump provides an intense stretching ‘exercise’ to the skin at the cellular level and when aided by RESTORE’s active ingredients, new skin growth appears to be accelerated and the end result – FAST foreskin restoration.
RESTORE is safe – a natural product and contains no drugs, synthetic fragrances, petroleum derivatives or harmful chemicals and has been tested for safety by an Internationally Recognized Lab, in Malaysia. The production of RESTORE is done in a controlled laboratory environment to ensure the highest quality natural oils. Only the purest herbs and botanicals are used in producing RESTORE.

One simple reason – FAST RESULTS. Most online testimonials will tell you that using commercially available tapes and devices, you will need anything between 1.5 to 2 years to completely restore your foreskin.
With RESTORE Oil, I have found out that my time to restore was shortened by half!
Up to now I’ve not found anything else in the market that will give me the same result in as short a time.
While enough new skin can be grown cover the glans eventually, I must emphasize that the original human foreskin contains specialized nerve endings and blood vessels. Once removed and discarded, they can not be fully regrown with or without RESTORE. However, restored men can enjoy similar comfort and penis appearance as uncircumcised males
You will need a warm damp hand towel and the RESTORE Premium Massage Oil. This process takes approximately 20 minutes.
1 . Clean the penis thoroughly of sweat and skin oils. Taking a shower before the treatment is ideal.
2. Lie face up on a bed and keep the penis shaft wrapped in a warm damp towel for 3 minutes to open up the pores of the skin.
3 . Remove the towel and apply 6 to 8 drops of RESTORE Premium Massage Oil directly onto the skin of the penis shaft around the area indicated in the picture below until fully covered with the oil. The oil may safely be applied on the glans as well.
4 . Begin the massage by kneading the penis shaft with your fingers with a gentle rubbing and pulling motion, fingers moving up towards you as illustrated in the picture below. Please apply medium pressure. Do this continuously for 2 minutes.
5 . Stop the massage and wipe your hands and penis of excess oil with a towel. With your fingers, grip the loose skin adjacent to the glans penis (see diagram below) and gently pull it towards you as far as it will comfortably go. The skin should stretch over your glans or part of it. Once you have a good steady grip, hold this position for about 3 minutes giving the skin a chance to stretch.
This process should not be painful. If you feel any pain, it means you’re pulling too hard and need to ease up a little..
IF YOUR CIRCUMCISION HAS BEEN “TIGHTLY DONE” leaving no excess skin for you to perform the above, your first task is to grow some of that skin. Grip the oiled skin of your penis shaft tightly with your palm and tug it slowly towards you as as illustrated in the picture in no. 4 (left).
Let go when your palm reaches the tip of your penis. Repeat this massage for 3 minutes. This motion encourages the skin to extend towards the glans penis and eventually grow new skin adjacent to it.
- Release the skin and rest for 1 minute.
- Repeat steps 3 to 6 three times.
- After the final iteration, rest for 1 minute. You may now safely wash off the remaining massage oil on your penis and hands with ordinary bath soap. You’re done!
- For a week, repeat all the above once in the morning and the evening. The week after, do it every other day to let your skin cells recuperate and grow. Then repeat the process again for another week. Do this until you are satisfied with the results.
You will need a warm damp hand towel, RESTORE Premium Massage Oil and the stretching device of your choice.
Note: that devices that apply adhesive to the skin such as tapes will not be suitable for use with RESTORE Premium Massage Oil. This process takes approximately 30 minutes.
1 . Perform steps 1-4 as described under DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITHOUT STRETCHING DEVICE.
2 . Apply the stretching device of your choice by following the instructions given by the device manufacturer. If you are using a pneumatic penis pump, we recommend you apply the pump for 6 minutes at the end of each iteration.
3 . Perform steps 6-9 as described under DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITHOUT STRETCHING DEVICE.
As the nature of skin and the amount of foreskin skin left over from circumcision vary between individuals, the time it takes to produce results may also vary.
RESTORE Premium Massage Oil when used as directed promotes the growth of tissue cells of both skin and tissue. Upon regular use you may also experience a slight enlargement of the penis.
RESTORE MASSAGE OIL IS FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Please remove all traces of the oil by washing thoroughly with soap and water before any sexual activity.
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